Added pre-installed Metatrader 4/5 Portable

 Monday, August 30, 2021

We are a server provider which now focuses on delivering the best server especially for trading trying to give more added service day by day.


One of the most requested clients is a pre-installed trading platform on our server. Currently we develop an server with pre-installed Metatrader 4/5. Here is where you can find it.


  1. Access your Gainserver VPS Trader or Dedicated Server through RDP.
  2. In the desktop, you will find a folder shortcut with the name ‘MT4 Portable’ or ‘MT5 Portable’. Just Open it.


Why MetaTrader Portable Version?

We are develop server and choosing the right server infrastructures to run MetaTrader. MetaTrader is one of popular trading platform that using single threading technology. So it will not optimal if you are using standard server to run it.


So, our team develop and configure server with X-Connect Technology in our pre-installed MetaTrader portable to make it run fast and efficient.


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